[Solved] Search for a Microsoft lync SIP enabled users in microsoft Lync client
If you want to search only Lync sip enabled users in Lync search List then here is the answer. By default Lync address book service scans AD for address book & Lync only adds users to its address book if is able to find or normalize to a valid phone number (E.164). The Address Book service uses the normalization rules in company_phone_number_normalization_rules.txt
But in my case I just want to add Microsoft Lync SIP enabled users in Microsoft Lync client search list.
So lets get start,
Download Microsoft Lync Resource Kit from below URL and install it on front end Lync server.
Navigate to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Lync Server 2010\ResKit & open ABSConfig.exe
Here I am going to include only Lync SIP enabled users in Lync address book, so in "Only include users that have a value for this AD attribute" should be msRTCSIP-PrimaryUserAddress
Click on Apply changes & close the ABS configuration tool. Wait for 0-24 hours to populate the Lync address book & see the results. Or you can refer below guide to manually change the Lync address book download interval.