[Solved] Lync Contact Search not showing all users
While working on Microsoft Lync few users reported me that they are not able to view all Lync contacts. Follow below process to solve Lync contact search issue,
1. Open Microsoft Lync management shell & run Update-CsUserReplicatorConfiguration command, This process synchronizes data between Active Directory and the Lync SQL database.
PS C:\> Update-CsUserReplicatorConfiguration -verbose
2. Now run PS C:\> update-csaddressbook -verbose command
Above command trigger the Microsoft Lync Server to synchronize current Active Directory information in the Lync SQL database into the downloadable client and device address book files. (i.e. GalContacts.db & GalContacts.db.idx )
Now Update Lync Clients address book download interval- The address book does not populate itself immediately it takes 0-24 hours to populate the contacts. To change the Lync address book download interval follow below process,
Execute the following command from the Windows Command Prompt to add registry entry (run as an administrator) to change the address book download interval,
reg add HKLM\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Communicator /v GalDownloadInitialDelay /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
Now open C:\Users\santosh\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Communicator folder replace Santosh with actual username & delete Lync profile i.e. sip_santosh@mytricks.in OR delete the Lync address book files (i.e. ) i.e. GalContacts.db & GalContacts.db.idx ) from C:\Users\santosh\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Communicator\sip_santosh@mytricks.in (replace sip_santosh@mytricks.in with actual user name.
Close the Lync client completely & sign-in. wait for 5 min & search for the Lync contacts. After login to Lync client you will see the new address book files i.e. GalContacts.db & GalContacts.db.idx downloaded from Lync front end server in your Lync folder.