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Download Microsoft Lync Server 15?

Lync 15 client is now part of the Microsoft Office 15 (2012) install, and runs automatically at boot if installed. Still Lync server 15 is not available for download or there is no idea when its going to launch. But Lync 15 clinet is included with Microsoft Office 15 Technical preview. May be there is possibility we can see new Microsoft Lync Server 15 by end of 2012 or by 2013.

A beta of all of the same Office 15deliverables will be available to the public in “late summer,” according to a new post on the Ofice Exec blog.

Below are few screenshots for Microsoft Lync 15 from http://www.winsupersite.com,

Here you see during Microsoft 15 setup it asks for Microsoft Lync 15 client setup,


Here is the login screen for Microsoft 15 client.