Defensio Best Free alternative to Akismet

Defensio's blog spam web service aggressively and intelligently prevents comment and trackback spam from hitting your blog. You should quickly notice a dramatic reduction in the amount of spam you have to worry about.

When the filter does rarely make a mistake (say, the odd spam message gets through or a rare good comment is marked as spam) we've made it a joy to sort through your comments and set things straight. Not only will the filter learn and improve over time, but it will do so in a personalized way!

In order to use Defensio service, you will need a free Defensio API key. Get yours now at

Defensio "Personal" is Free for individual & startups. It supports 25,000 posts/months which is huge for personal blog. Defension can ber used for blogs,website and for facebook.

Just go to & sign up for the free account & API keys. Go wordpress dashboard-> plugin & install defensio plugin to get rid of all SPAM post..

Happy Blogging!!!!!!!!