[Guide] Step by Step Microsoft Lync Mobility Installation & Configuration
Microsoft Lync Mobility waiting is finally over & its available for download on http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=28356
Here I have covered all steps which required to configure Microsoft Lync Mobility. Initially I referred few documents but those are really complex & difficult to understand.
Here I have covered all steps which required to configure Microsoft Lync Mobility. Initially I referred few documents but those are really complex & difficult to understand.
Microsoft Lync Server Prerequisites
1. Download Lync Server 2010 Hotfix KB 2493736 (Cumulative Update 4) from http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=115512. Download Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Mobility Service and Microsoft Lync Server 2010 Autodiscover Service from http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=28356
So let’s get started
- Configure DNS Server,
First you need to create internal & external DNS records for lync mobility (i.e. for lyncdiscover.mytricks.in (external) point to the public IP which you going to use to publish lyncdiscover & lyncdiscoverinternal.corp.mytricks.local (internal) which is pointed to the Lync Standard edition Serve IP address.
- Now we need to install the November Lync Cumulative Update (CU4) on each Lync server except edge server. Download Cumulative Update 4
After downloading all packages run LyncServerupdateinstaller.exe to install all CU4 updates. After installation you will below screen..
- After installing Lync Cumulative Update 4 , we need to specifiy the Internal & External Lync Server listing ports as shown below
Open Lync Management shell & run below commands as per you environment,
For internal listing ports,
Set-CsWebServer –Identity lync.corp.mytricks.in -McxSipPrimaryListeningPort 5086
For external listing ports,
Set-CsWebServer –Identity lync.corp.mytricks.in -McxSipPrimaryListeningPort 5087
Note - lync.corp.mytricks.in is my Lync front End Server.
Now enable the topology by running below command,
Enable-CsTopology –verbose
- Lync Mobility Installation,
This is very important step of Lync Mobility installation. Do not install McxStandalone.msi directly install it using Bootstarper.exe. Which I am going to cover in below steps,
But before Lync mobility installation few IIS changes needs to be made as shown below,
Open Lync Management Shell (Run as Administrator) & execute below commands,
Import-Module ServerManager
Add-WindowsFeature Web-Server, Web-Dyn-Compression
ServerManagerCMD.exe –Install Web-Dyn-Compression
Now Download the McxStandalone.msi installable and save it into the below directory on each Lync server where Lync Mobility will be installed.
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Lync Server\Deployment\cache\4.0.7577.0\setup\
And execute
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Lync Server 2010\Deployment\Bootstrapper.exe
You will get below output,![](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/ZjzcKmB_DMitKRyr4zURittinzk9uji1COkS09o5qwIpF4HOPV3LsVZSTGlPq1fU0qnAYk4uqYR4OH-jJaatb1zK0pVw747cYCjxH7EVRPk4-cpzaV0)
To validate installation is completed successfully open IIS Manager & expand External & Internal Web sites, you will find Autodiscover & MCX Services & application pools as
shown below,
- Now need to update Certificate,
We need to update Lync certificate to include new Lyncdiscoverinstal & lyncdiscover FQDN.
Launch the Lync Server Deployment Wizard on the Lync Front End and go to Install or Update Lync Server System > Request, Install, or Assign Certificates and click Run Again.![](https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/Z_hIk8DLe2ZNnjDA2eRU80piruBLdgRwPJsHemADIkagKc410c6ozv8E30YEy2PUvw-zVnGEUQRF4jOd0lx4G8OJWyH1cH3n97gwv9sDVL17jXf7c9U)
Select “Send the request immediately to an online certification authority”,![](https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/wNCj1K-0wLk5t3PGWjKtIJbkMduSPwSzx82AYtzdRQbVjkiLzNlEcdxOhSwwYTih3_u6O-K8CcM2HB2sWAZcXeGDjkfuH5ryuyEJjO9qLcd8QK9_b-c)
Choose your certification authority & click next,![](https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/kd4ihnnJ4cF1n1f0p8-jYsikZrzSyrkbn8QSAS4wVBvWkw2KXHLbWeSjzc7bv7oI8_JkCQE1Z0AtZxBkjsjBENOF8IqptPJbATODn-luKRGDgLIFRqg)
New Front End certificate SAN i.e. Subject Alternate Names window should show the new lyncdiscover.<sipdomain> and lyncdiscoverinternal.<sipdomain> F
FQDN's as shown below.
Assign the requested certificated at the end.
- External Access/ Forefront Threat Management Gateway Server 2010
I have published Lyncdiscover URL’s in the same manner that the Simple URL’s published… Please below screen shots for more details..
- Push Notifications
The Push Notification solution is used for Windows Mobile and Apple IOS mobile clients which do not support traditional application backgrounding like the Android Mobile Phone does.
Push notifications are handled by Microsoft Office 365 or Lync Online, so you need to have federation deployed and run the Set-CsPushNotificationConfiguration cmd-let
To enable push notification run below command on Lync management shell,
Next we need to enable Federation with office 365,
New-CsHostingProvider –Identity "LyncOnline" –Enabled $True –ProxyFqdn "sipfed.online.lync.com" –VerificationLevel UseSourceVerification
Then add the Lync Push federated domain type
New-CsAllowedDomain –Identity "push.lync.com"
You are done with Lync mobility configuration...
- Lync Mobility Policies,
All users by default allowed to sing in to the Mobile client as Global mobile policy. To verify the same run below command,
C:\> Get-CsMobilityPolicy
Identity : Global
Description : Lync Mobility
EnableOutsideVoice : True
EnableMobility : True
- Connectivity testing
There are couples of ways to verify the external Mobility connectivity,
- From the web browser open the autodiscover URL and accept the request to download the file.
Open the file in Notepad to see the file contents,![](https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/EQqioII3XW5_OhLwrCZ4HvflTiQf1YOTmqe1TEj8PYYkPcZ-zTFT0ZCmYDdQ58VI9zXssSgYDKUICy76xUwqWR4-qYKDeVGu9q2CqGXhfuNyEJwwip4)
Here it will show you the redirection information for Lync Mobility.
- Also you can test the Lync mobility connectivity by running below command from Lync Management shell,
Test-CsMcxP2PIM -TargetFqdn <FQDN of Front End pool> -SenderSipAddress sip:<SIP address of test user 1> -SenderCredential <test user 1 username> -ReceiverSipAddress sip:<SIP address of test user 2> -ReceiverCredential <test user 2 username> –v
When you run the above command you’ll get two windows authentication dialog boxes in which enter your credentials.
Afterwards scroll the window back up a bit just before all the yellow text you should hopefully see a successful result.