How to Configure SSH on Cisco Router and Switch

In below post I have covered how to enable telnet on Cisco Router.

Now I am going to show to enable SSH on Cisco Router, as telnet is not secured for remote administration of Cisco Switchs & Routers. In telnet Data including user password is send in clear text. So SSH is used for remote administration of Cisco Router, Switchs & ASA Firewall.

Now days all Cisco devices are by default supplied with SSH feature. To use the SSH on Cisco devices you need to have the Cisco IOS version which supports SSH. So let's get started.

Check whether SSH is enable or not on your Cisco Router/Switch,

Router# show ip ssh

%SSH has not been enabled

To enable SSH follow below steps,

1. Configure the Hostname on the Cisco Switch or Router

Router(config)# hostname router

2. Configure the Domain name 

Router(config)# ip domain-name

3. Generate a RSA Key Pair

Router(config)# crypto key generate rsa

this command will enable SSH on the Cisco switch/Router.

4. Set the SSH Negotiation phase timeout interval (in seconds)

Router(config)# ip ssh time-out 60

This sets the time period for the Cisco Router/Switch to wait for 60 seconds before timing out the client during the SSH session.

5. Set the Maximum retry (maximum number of the Authentication retires )

Router(config)# ip ssh authetication-retries 2

6. To change the default port for SSH (default is 22)

MyRouter(config)# ip ssh port 22

7. Now disable Telnet access to the switch. This can be done by configuring SSH as the only transport agent.

Router(config)# line vty 0 15
Router(config)# transport input ssh

now only SSH is used to connect to the Cisco Routers/Switches remotely.

8. Save changes to the startup-config

MyRouter# wr mem

9. To check SSH status,

Router# show ip ssh

SSH Enabled – version 1.5

Authentication timeout: 60 secs; Authentication retries: 2

10. To view SSH connections

Router# show ssh

Connection      Version     Encryption State   Username

1.5       3DES    Session Started  guest

Note: If you want to disable SSH on the Cisco Router,

Router(config)# crypto key zeroize rsa

This deletes the RSA key-pair. Once you delete the RSA key-pair, it disables the SSH server.

& change transport mode to telnet,

MyRouter(config)# line vty 0 15
MyRouter(config)# transport input telnet