Configuring VLAN's on Cisco Switch

Configuring VLAN's on Cisco Switch

VLAN is a virtual LAN. In technical terms, a VLAN is a broadcast domain created by switches. When managing a switch, the management domain is always VLAN 1, the default VLAN. All ports of switch are assigned to VLAN 1 by default. VLAN increase the performance of a network because it divide a network logically in different parts and limit the broadcasts. Normally,router creating that broadcast domain. With VLAN’s, a switch can create the broadcast domain.

member of each vlan can not talk to each other for example any user of VLAN 5 can not talk with any users of VLAN 6 without router or layer 3 switch. But all users of VLAN5 & VLAN6 can talk to each others.

What is a trunk port?

When there is a link between two switches or a router and a switch that carries the traffic of more than one VLAN, that port is a trunk port.

A trunk port must run a special trunking protocol. The protocol used would be Cisco’s proprietary Inter-switch link (ISL) or the IEEE standard 802.1q.

Below example will show you how to create VLAN,s on a Cisco Switch...

1. create VLAN 5
(enter in global configuration mode)
SwitchA(config)#configure terminal
(defining the vlan 5)            
SwitchA(config)#vlan 5
(Assigning the name Marketing to vlan 5)                                  
SwitchA(config)#vlan 5 name marketing  

2. Configuration to create VLAN 6
SwitchA(config)#configure terminal              
SwitchA(config)#vlan 6
(assigning the name management to vlan 6)                                  
SwitchA(config)#vlan 6 name management    

3. Now assigning the ports 2 and 3 to VLAN 5, it must be done from the interface mode. Enter the following commands to add port 2 and 3 to VLAN 5
(enter in global configuration mode)
SwitchA(config)#configure terminal
(select the Ethernet 0 of port 2)                            
SwitchA(config)#interface fastethernet 0/2
(allot the membership of vlan 5)                
SwitchA(config-if)#switchport access vlan 5                

4. Now assigning the ports 3 to VLAN 5
(enter in global configuration mode)
SwitchA(config)#configure terminal
(select the Ethernet 0 of port 3)                            
SwitchA(config)#interface fastethernet 0/3
(allot the membership of vlan 5)                
SwitchA(config-if)#switchport access vlan 5              

Now assigning the ports 5 to VLAN 6,

(enter in global configuration mode)
SwitchA(config)#configure terminal
(select the Ethernet 0 of port 5)                            
SwitchA(config)#interface fastethernet 0/5
(allot the membership of vlan 6)                
SwitchA(config-if)#switchport access vlan 6                