Microsoft Lync LyncAddContacts to add the same contacts to multiple users

LyncAddContacts from Jeff Guillet

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  • The tool must be run on the Lync server from which you will export/import the data.
  • You must be a member of the CSAdministrator security group to run this tool. This group has rights to export and import contact groups and contacts to all users.
  • You must copy the DBIMPEXP.EXE tool from the \Support folder on the Lync Server 2010 installation media to the same folder where the LyncAddContacts tool will be run.
  • You must have read, write and execute rights to the folder where the LyncAddContacts tool will be run.
LyncAddContacts uses the following syntax:

For enterprise Lync Server use below commands

1. Use the /backup switch to backup all user data to the specified filename. The following example backs up user data on a Lync Enterprise Edition server

cscript LyncAddContacts.vbs /backup backup.xml lync-sql-01
2. First, you must export the source user's contact groups and contacts. The following example exports this information from a user named "Santosh" on a Lync Enterprise Edition server:
cscript LyncAddContacts.vbs santosh@lync.local lync-sql-01
3. for Lync Server Enterprise Edition you must add the SQL server used by the front-end pool.
to import contacts,
cscript LyncAddContacts.vbs /import "OU=Users,DC=lync,DC=local" lync-sql-01

For Standard Lync Server use below commands
1. Use the /backup switch to backup all user data to the specified filename. The following example backs up user data on a Lync Standard Edition server:
cscript LyncAddContacts.vbs /backup backup.xml lync-sql-01
2.The following example exports this information from a user named "Santosh" on a Lync Standard Edition server:
cscript LyncAddContacts.vbs santosh@lync.local lync-sql-01 import the contact groups and contacts to either a single target user or a target Organizational Unit in your domain. The following example imports the data to a user named "Target" on a Lync Standard Edition server:
cscript LyncAddContacts.vbs /import traget@lync.local
4. The following example imports the same contact groups and contacts to all the SIP enabled users in the Users container in Active Directory:
CScript LyncAddContacts.vbs /import CN=Users,DC=Lync,DC=local